8th Planet Summer Congress
Wroclaw - Poland

(July 18th -24th 2004)

I want to use the city
You want to use the city
We need to talk.


Official Report of the Council Meeting


We will be talking, discussing, searching, learning, giving the answers.

Talking about the relations between the participants of the city game; discussing your right to talk; searching for the common plan of the city; learning to live in it; giving the answers for the questions of the city of today.

The proposed themes of lectures, seminars and workshops in the city of Wroclaw are becoming the field for discussions between the young peoaple from different countries, inhabitants of Wroclaw and authorities.

Deal – 8th International PlaNet Congress, Wroclaw 2004

Deal Human- City

From the 18th untill 24th of July 2004 participants of the congress meeting will think over the processes of urbanisation existing in Wroclaw, especially in the context of the cities entering European Union in May 2004.

Every city in its structure is a compromise at various levels. There are deals among separate individuals, among inhabitants and urban infrastructure, among the city and investors. Life in a city is an ability to make a deal and the better these deals are the higher the quality of living in the city is.

Why Wroclaw?
An interesting place, a magic city combining different cultures. It’s rich and stormy history together with changing political systems created its unique atmosphere. Therefore since always Wroclaw was a multinational city so to say an ancestor of contemporary European Union. Our Congress is supposed to answer the following questions: How to act in such a multinational city preserving its own specific culture at the same time? What kind of system/deal will this action result with?

For more information, please visit http://free.ngo.pl/planetwroclaw